Breathe ~ Relax ~ Drink Black Tea Often
Wet soles on floorboards
bring fallen rain inside where
it dries step by step
The rain settles in
for a long haul wet weekend
Winter drought breaking
A rain-soaked poster
Searching for a lost, loved pet
The owner whistles
Counting the seconds
I fail to notice the hours
And voila, the end
Verandaku chase
Grass to river, sand to sea
Everything fits
Flowers filled with rain
await the sun’s dry kisses
Delays are welcome
Snails eating basil
smell sweeter than pesto sauce
They should move quickly
Older teddy bears
Stuffed with the wisdom of time
Dignified silence
Coming and going,
the sun plays with clouds and rain
Milking gratitude
Paperbark readers
prefer the comforts of home
and read by sky light
Sunday afternoon
is clueless about Monday’s
Sunday desires
Angels’ wings arrive
with Spring’s first showery night
The sun’s drying wit
Household detritus
Left by departing neighbours
A gift to the street
Decorative dogs
don’t know they’re pretty and pert
They live for themselves
My gardening friend
has planted Spring marigolds
All comers welcome
Red grevillea
taunts zooming parrots to dive
Winter training camp
Brittle bark lifting
from a tree whose time has come
Winter fashion sense
Telegraph line-up
connecting our mates downtown
Virtual substance
A spidery friend
comes between me and the sky
I duck and cover
The sideline shelter
awaits its seasonal win
Far too many fans
Mid-life map reading
requires more than a good squint
Sometimes a good guess
My balletic cat
Caught mid-roll, one paw pointing
towards her sun god
Galah on the wing
Circling for a soft landing
Pillowy park grass
Half-eaten apple
Makes itself useful again
Humour optional
The shell of a pool
As dry as the winter air
A liquid desire
Sidney Nolan’s face
A gallery memento
Vision beyond light
Some shining snail trails
leftover from last night’s fun
Art at a slow crawl
Andy Warhol’s soup
Art on a can on my fridge
Soul food and reheats
A hot air balloon
Firing against gravity
Warming a cold day
The shell of a car
Tyreless, engine-free, stripped bare
Nothing but a car
The straight and narrow
isn’t always what it seems
Sometimes a surprise